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Friday, August 29, 2014

21 weeks

How far along? 21 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Gained 7 pounds total - I feel like my belly popped overnight.

Maternity clothes? Wearing mostly regular shirts and pants with my belly band. I am noticing that my regular clothes are becoming more snug, so dresses and black stretchy pants and tanks have been my go to this week.

Stretch marks? No, I am almost out of my Bio-Oil, so I have been using Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion more often.  It really moisturizes well and helps with itching skin.  

Symptoms: I seem to have lost my appetite again.  I was really looking forward to having cravings and I have been disappointed so far.  I am so indecisive about what I want to eat, I usually just go somewhere and make a last minute decision.  

Sleep: I would love to sleep straight through the night again...I know I won't be getting much sleep once the baby arrives.  I am super uncomfortable, tossing and turning all night.  My husband bought me a Snoogle this week, so I am excited to start using it.

Best moment this week: Letting everyone know the sex of the baby and our parents reaction.

Have you told family and friends: Yes

Miss Anything? Energy

Movement: Her movements have seemed to have calmed down a bit.  I mostly feel her right after I eat or at bed time.

Food cravings: None this week.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Old car/truck exhaust and school buses too.

Have you started to show yet: Yes, it is amazing how you can grow so fast in a week.

Baby is a: GIRL! 

Belly Button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but I definitely had my moments this week.  I am noticing my attention span is short and I can get moody easily.  Hopefully this will get better. 

Looking forward to: The holiday weekend away to celebrate a girlfriend's bachelorette party. 
I had to share this photo of my fur baby Figgy.  He has been my little protector and snuggle bug for a few weeks now.  I am convinced he knows I am pregnant.  He doesn't leave my side and sleeps next to me every night...I love him to pieces.  I just hope he adjusts well when baby girl arrives.  He has been used to being the baby of the house for the past three years. 

Have a great holiday weekend :)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Gender Reveal - It's a...


We are so excited to share this news with everyone finally! We found out last Monday and we could not wait to have the cake reveal with our parents this week/weekend.  They were super surprised.  Check out my All Deck'd Out Facebook page for the videos.  A special thanks to Scratch Cupcakes in Ephrata for making these amazing cakes :) 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

20 weeks

How far along? 20 weeks and 5 days

Total weight gain/loss: Gained 4 pounds total.  We were told in our 20 week ultrasound that Baby Bean weighs 14 ounces - almost a pound.

Maternity clothes? Wearing mostly regular shirts and pants with my belly band.  I'm wearing some maternity shirts, but most are still big on me.  I also get a lot of wear out of my dresses too. 

Stretch marks? No, using Bio-Oil in the morning and Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion in the evenings. 

Symptoms: Clogged ears in the morning are back.  My sense of smell is uncanny.  I seriously can smell things that other people can't - it is so weird.  I smelled vanilla so strongly the other night in our bedroom and my husband could not smell it.  I didn't even have a plug in air freshener near by.  Today, I was driving, and I swear my car smelled like burnt matches. 
Sleep: My sleeping pattern has not been the best.  I have been waking up at 2AM every morning, this past week, and not able to go back to sleep until after 4AM.  It has been frustrating especially since I have been hungry around that time too. 

Best moment this week: Finding out the sex in our ultrasound Monday, and seeing Baby Bean on the screen moving around.  Also, feeling movement!!

Have you told family and friends: Yes
Miss Anything? Cleaning without getting winded. 

Movement: OMG! What a difference a week makes.  I am feeling Bean move so much now.  It is mostly in the morning and at night.  The little kicks are amazing - it is quite honestly the best feeling ever!

Food cravings: I don't have any new cravings.  I am still really leaning towards sweets though. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week :) 

Have you started to show yet: Yes, getting bigger every week.

Baby is a: Boy or Girl???? What do you think?  

Belly Button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, we are super excited to share the gender with you all next week. 

Looking forward to: Our gender reveal to our parents this week and weekend. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

19 weeks

How far along? 19 weeks and 6 days today. 

Total weight gain/loss: Lost 1 pound this week, the doctor said this was normal so I am not too concerned.  I did lose a bit of my appetite again, but I am eating regularly.

Maternity clothes? The photo below is of clothes I purchased this week from Ross.  I always find great deals here.  I got two maternity items (skirt and shirt) and two regular items (both dresses) that I can wear throughout my pregnancy.  The skirt and shirt were $6.99 each and the dresses were $12.99...a steal. 

Stretch marks? No, using Bio-Oil twice a day.  I am almost out, so I might try another product.  
Do you have any recommendations?

Symptoms: This might be TMI, but Breast Tenderness - I have had this symptom from the very beginning of pregnancy and it has not gone away, nor do I expect it to.  It has been unbearable this week, especially when sleeping.  I have been wearing a sports bra to bed since the beginning too.
Sleep: I am waking up about 3-4AM and not able to get back to sleep.  It is not fun since I get up at 5:40AM during the week.

Best moment this week: Going to the doctor and hearing the heartbeat.  He said everything sounded great and the BPM was 144.  I also think I felt some movement. :) 

Have you told family and friends: Yes

Miss Anything? Working out on the elliptical - I am so out of breath these days.  

Movement: I think so, people say it feels like flutters, but honestly what does that feel like??  It was more like a bubble popping to me. I felt a lot today which was super exciting. 

Food cravings: Sweets!!! Chocolate, candy, fudge - all the good stuff.  I am not a huge chocolate person either, so this has been a change for me. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Overeating 

Have you started to show yet: Yes

Baby is a: Find out next week - WAHOOOO!!

Belly Button in or out? In 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! :)

Looking forward to: The 20 week ultrasound on Monday and the reveal to our parents.  We might do our own reveal at dinner Monday night.  Can't wait!

Monday, August 4, 2014

18 weeks

How far along? 18 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: Gained 4 pounds total. 

Maternity clothes? I have only been wearing a few maternity shirts so far - I get a lot of use out of my larger regular shirts too.  The shirt in the above photo was given to me by my sister-in-law. I love it - I will get a lot of use out of it throughout the pregnancy. The brand is Oh Baby by Motherhood and is available at Kohl's.

Stretch marks? No, using Bio-Oil twice a day. 

Symptoms: Tiredness 
Sleep: Getting a good amount - I just get tired easily throughout the day. 

Best moment this week: Going to the Carter's outlet and getting some neutral items for the baby. 

Have you told family and friends: Yes

Miss Anything? Being tan - this is the whitest I've been in years. 

Movement: No movement yet, can't wait.  

Food cravings: This week I was craving blue crabs. The shore always has great food. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week :) 

Have you started to show yet: Yes

Baby is a: Find out in a week and a half. 

Belly Button in or out? In 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, it's been nice to get away for a few days. 

Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment on Monday - always look forward to hearing the heartbeat.